How to Landscape for Holiday Homes

Having a holiday home is the dream of many Australians. You can toil away all year, and then when the holiday season arrives, you can set off to a new destination.

The problem is the landscaping. If you are not there all year, how are you supposed to make sure you don’t arrive in a jungle?

No one wants to spend their entire break tending to an overgrown garden, so here are a few top tips for landscaping holiday homes.


How to Get Your Backyard Winter-Ready

We’re quite fortunate in Australia not to experience extreme winter temperatures. As a result, we don’t have to put too much effort into making sure our landscaping is “winter compatible”.

Still, it doesn’t hurt to get ready for the colder weather to ensure that once spring arrives, the clean-up is a little less time-consuming.

Read on to learn how to get your backyard winter-ready.
